Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Theme Song

So apparently I'm not the best at updating a blog.  I've been getting some gentle, and slightly sarcastic, reprimands to update more frequently; but for what it's worth, I have some good excuses.  :) God is slightly showing off with His timing through it all.  I have a cousin that had some major complications from surgery almost a month ago and is still in recovery.  All of this has enabled me to stay with her and help out with her care, household stuff and kiddo stuff.  There are five kids running around, playing together and just having a ball.  I'm happy to be able to help in anyway I can; and it keeps me busy - which is a good thing.  

Through all of this we have kind of clung to the story of the Israelites crossing the Red Sea in Exodus.  After Pharaoh let the Children of Israel go, through Moses God led His people to the shore of the Red Sea.  With a furious Pharaoh and his army hot on their heals, the millions of Israelites felt trapped and betrayed.  "They said to Moses, 'Was it because there were no graves in Egypt that you brought us to the desert to die?'" (Ex. 14:11)  Their future looked bleak, the Egyptian army behind them and the massive Red Sea before them.  What were their options? Although the circumstances are different, I understand that valley.  I understand dreading what is before you yet hating what is behind you.  I've actually told the Lord, "I know I'm in the valley and I definitely don't want to stay here...but I don't know if I want to go through what I have to in order to climb out.  It is on this stage that "Moses answered the people, "Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the Lord will bring you today.  The Egyptians you see today you will never see again.  The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.'" (Exodus 14:13,14 Emphasis mine).  

Chad's homework for one of his sessions this week was to come up with a theme song for his recovery.  We had some fun with this assignment in the beginning; but when it was all said and done he decided to be grown-up and mature.  He picked David Crowder's "Jesus, Lead Me To Your Healing Waters."  (Listen to Chad's Theme Song here).  He picked this song with Exodus 14:13-14  in mind.  Sometimes we're led to the healing waters; however I know I have often grumbled and complained once there about what lies ahead and about what I'm running from.

I thought this was a good idea...finding a theme song.  So that's what I did.  This song is my prayer.  Let It Be Glory!  In it all...Let it be glory

Also - Chad did manage to update his blog last night check it out here if you haven't had the chance to read it yet.


  1. Love this Megan! Great theme songs for sure! I picked out a theme song for my weight loss journey a few months ago, so powerful! I love getting to know you more through your writing! I must admit, I check both of ur blogs atleast 5 times a day, and then I read the posts aloud to Todd:) We love u guys!

    Ps. My phone charger is messed up,so ordered a new one. If u miss my texts, its not because I forgot about u, still praying!

    1. Thanks Julie - and yes, I have missed you and your texts! :) We love you guys and thanks for it all!

  2. Wonderful theme songs. Love your blog! And in the Valley, he restores our soul.
